Friday, April 27, 2007

The baby is standing on its head!

We had some spotting, and went to the doctor for reassurance. They tried to listen for the heartbeat but couldn't hear it, so we had another ultrasound. The baby is fine, is 5.5 cm/2 1/4 inches from crown to rump, and weighs a few ounces. He or she is also standing on their head! I took a picture of the u/s with my cell phone, but I took it upside down for easier viewing. Here is the baby at 12 weeks and three days, looking much more human that before! I also had some precautionary RhoGam. I stop the progesterone when I hit 13 weeks (next Tuesday) and the spotting should stop then. All appears well! Yay for a healthy baby!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that is such a terrific picture! I LOVE LOVE LOVE it! yay for baby cupcake!