Saturday, September 15, 2007

Baby Stephanie's 3D ultrasound pictures

We had the 3D ultrasound done this evening and here are a few pictures! It is so great to be pregnant when this technology is around. Miss Stephanie was a little stubborn thing who didn't want to show her face, and I was a little low on the amniotic fluid so I didn't produce the sharpest images but we still had a great time!
The top picture is of her pursed lips and fat cheeks, and her chubby little arm and hand are curled up under her chin, and her hand is grasping her foot. The second picture is of a smiling little face, with 2 fists and a knee curled up under her chin. The bottom one made us laugh. She is sticking her tongue out at us! Her eyes were opened and the white circle is the apple of her fat little cheek. She was smiling and stuck her tongue out, all the time with her fist up to her chin. It was a lot of fun.

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