Thursday, December 15, 2005

Cookies, cookies, cookies!

This has been the week of the bake sale! The kids' school does a 2-night holiday program every year. Half of the classes perform each night. Before and after the program, there is a bake sale. I rounded up all the bakers and we had about 30 dozen treats per night to sell to the families. In addition to rounding up the treats & selling them, I also baked some yummies to add to the pile. I made chocolate chip cookies with M&Ms in them, cranberry orange mini loaves, and chocolate-chocolate chip cookies, with Santa-shaped chips in them too. Of course, I had to be there both nights, not just to sell things before & after, but also because I had one child performing per night! They couldn't both be on the same night, noooooo...

Well today is Thursday, and that is the traditional school bake sale day. Every Thursday, a different class takes turns hosting a bake sale, and the proceeds go into the class' special occasions fund. They buy special school supplies or party stuff with it.

So I baked yet again last night! This time it was cupcakes. This weekend I have a cookie exchange to go to, and I need 7 dozen cookies. That's not too bad, I guess. At least the cookie exchange isn't with 20 families or I would be baking all day!

Next I have to make trays of cookies for our friends in the neighborhood, as a holiday treat. Then the family will be making sugar cookies for Santa on Christmas Eve.

Finally, I will be making a care package of many, many cookies to send Steve off on deployment with, after the New Year.

I will wear holes in the kitchen floor from being in there so much!

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